
"1. Win (duh?)
          	2. Put a sign on a tributes back saying "Eat Me Titus!!"
          	3. If you see Peeta run away screaming "AHH TRIBUTE MUTATIONS!!!!"
          	4. When someone is attacking you, point to the sky saying "OH MY GOSH!" and when they look up, RUN! 
          	5. Stop and smell the roses
          	6. Tell people that you aren't playing when they try and kill you
          	7. Go up to Prim and say "it's ok, maybe next year!" 
          	8. Get lit on fire. But it's not real....
          	9. Ask Peeta's dad how much you would give him for a goose 
          	10. When someone dies, hang onto there body into the Hovercraft
          	11. Hit someone with a pebble and yell " I AM SMASHING YOUR SKULL!!!
          	12. Hungry Hungry Hippos anyone? 
          	13. Use your weapons with your feet, not your hands
          	14. Kill 3 people in 2 hours 
          	15. Fly through trees, like a boss 
          	16. Burn bread and blame it all on Peeta. 
          	17. Have a dance party. ohhhhh YAaa! 
          	18. Flowers always make things better...
          	19. Never forget the most powerful weapon... CAKE!!!!!
          	20. Ask your fellow ally if they want to play hop-scotch by the careers base
          	21. Run away from fireballs, like a boss
          	22. Have a epic gun showdown with the tributes from 10 
          	23. Have your district token be a cupcake. 
          	24. Ask Cesar Flickerman if he had to many blue berries today 
          	25. getting chased by alligators? Not a bit funny
          	26. Enjoy the pretty ants crawling into your eye!
          	27. Sing "Chariots of Fire" As you run away from things is epic slow motion! :D 
          	28. Take out your anger on fellow tributes
          	29. Come on! Dooon't be shy.. step of that golden circle
          	30. "We could run off, live in the woods" "We wouldn't make it five miles" "Dude, it took us 7 miles to get here!"
          	31. Glue money to the floor and when people try and pick them up, KILL THEM!
          	32. If someone kills a squirrel break into song and yell "IT'S THE SQUIRREL OF LIFEEEE" and run!
          	33. Make a hole and when someone falls in it,  yell "HAVE FUN IN WONDERLAND! 
          	34. Hum Missio..."


"1. Win (duh?)
          2. Put a sign on a tributes back saying "Eat Me Titus!!"
          3. If you see Peeta run away screaming "AHH TRIBUTE MUTATIONS!!!!"
          4. When someone is attacking you, point to the sky saying "OH MY GOSH!" and when they look up, RUN! 
          5. Stop and smell the roses
          6. Tell people that you aren't playing when they try and kill you
          7. Go up to Prim and say "it's ok, maybe next year!" 
          8. Get lit on fire. But it's not real....
          9. Ask Peeta's dad how much you would give him for a goose 
          10. When someone dies, hang onto there body into the Hovercraft
          11. Hit someone with a pebble and yell " I AM SMASHING YOUR SKULL!!!
          12. Hungry Hungry Hippos anyone? 
          13. Use your weapons with your feet, not your hands
          14. Kill 3 people in 2 hours 
          15. Fly through trees, like a boss 
          16. Burn bread and blame it all on Peeta. 
          17. Have a dance party. ohhhhh YAaa! 
          18. Flowers always make things better...
          19. Never forget the most powerful weapon... CAKE!!!!!
          20. Ask your fellow ally if they want to play hop-scotch by the careers base
          21. Run away from fireballs, like a boss
          22. Have a epic gun showdown with the tributes from 10 
          23. Have your district token be a cupcake. 
          24. Ask Cesar Flickerman if he had to many blue berries today 
          25. getting chased by alligators? Not a bit funny
          26. Enjoy the pretty ants crawling into your eye!
          27. Sing "Chariots of Fire" As you run away from things is epic slow motion! :D 
          28. Take out your anger on fellow tributes
          29. Come on! Dooon't be shy.. step of that golden circle
          30. "We could run off, live in the woods" "We wouldn't make it five miles" "Dude, it took us 7 miles to get here!"
          31. Glue money to the floor and when people try and pick them up, KILL THEM!
          32. If someone kills a squirrel break into song and yell "IT'S THE SQUIRREL OF LIFEEEE" and run!
          33. Make a hole and when someone falls in it,  yell "HAVE FUN IN WONDERLAND! 
          34. Hum Missio..."


          Entonces alce la vista y alli estaba el, a tres metros de distancia, simplemente mirandome.
          Sin pensar siquiera, me levante de un salto y lo rodee con los brazos, haciendo un sonido raro
          que combinaba risa, ahogo y llanto. El me sostenia con tanta fuerza que no podia verle la cara,
          pero paso mucho, mucho tiempo antes de que me soltara, y eso fue porque no tenia mucha
          eleccion, ya que me habia dado un ataque de hipo increiblemente ruidoso y tenia que beber
          Hicimos lo de siempre ese dia. Comimos el desayuno. Cazamos y pescamos y recolectamos.
          Hablamos de la gente en la ciudad. Pero no sobre nosotros, su nueva vida en las minas, mi
          tiempo en la arena. Solo sobre otras cosas. Para cuando estuvimos en el agujero en la verja
          que esta mas cerca del Quemador, me parece que creia de verdad que las cosas volverian a ser
          lo mismo. Que podriamos seguir adelante como siempre. Le habia dado a Gale toda la caza
          para canjear ya que nosotras ahora teniamos muchisima comida. Le dije que no pasaria por el
          Quemador, incluso aunque tenia muchas ganas de ir alli, porque mi madre y hermana ni
          siquiera sabian que habia ido a cazar y se estarian preguntando donde estaba. Entonces de
          pronto, cuando estaba sugiriendo que yo me encargaria de revisar diariamente las trampas,
          tomo mi rostro entre sus manos y me beso.
          No estaba preparada en absoluto. Pensarias que despues de todas las horas que habia
          pasado con Gale―viendole hablar y reir y ponerse cenudo―sabria todo lo que habia que saber
          sobre sus labios. Pero no me habia imaginado que calidos se sentirian presionados contra los
          mios. O como esas manos, que podian preparar la mas intrincada de las trampas, podian
          atraparme con la misma facilidad. Creo que hice algun sonido en la parte baja de mi garganta,
          y recuerdo vagamente mis dedos, cerrados con fuerza, posados contra su pecho. Entonces me
          solto y dijo, “Tenia que hacerlo. Por lo menos u..."