
I cut and styled my hair, it feels nice :>


Alright! I wanted to say that all slots are filled, and I won't be taking any other submissions until further notice. Thank you to those who applied and those who have been accepted, and I hope you're excited for the new story! Once I complete an amount of which I'm happy with, I'll be releasing the Prologue and start releasing the story. I've been working on this whole project for the past 3 whole years, so I really hope everyone enjoys it, and that my effort shines through. Thank you all for being so patient, and I hope you're excited to read the new story! (Anyone who knows anything about this project, DO NOT SPOIL ANYTHING. I REPEAT, DO NOT SPOIL ANYTHING. Thank you.)


@ClawStrike9 WAIT WHAT 3 YEARS


Hiiii! What have I been doing lately? So I'm working on my new story that will be out when I'm done, and I'm taking in the first 3 requests to be characters in my story. The first three people who will reply to this post will be the choices. Also, if you know ANYTHING ABOUT MY STORY, DON'T REVEAL ANYTHING IN THE COMMENTS TO THIS POST. I REPEAT, DON'T REVEAL OR SPOIL ANYTHING, AND I MEAN ANYTHING ABOUT THE STORY IF YOU KNOW. After the choices are made, I'll be sending you a message to let you know you're part of it and ask a few questions. Let's see who the winners are!


@ClawStrike9 long and straight


@Jpgcutie Does she have long or short hair? What's her hairstyle?


HAPPY NEW YEAR MY LOVES!!!! I hope this year can bring some good luck into our worlds, and I hope this year brings joy, happiness, and health into all of your lives! I can't thank you enough for supporting me, it means the world! Happy New Year once again!


Very Merry Christmas everyone! I'm sorry I'm late my wifi went out so I couldn't come on, but I wish that all your wishes come true! May your day be filled with happiness, and know that I love you all. Bye! Merry Christmas once again!


*eAts AnUsKa/clAW*


@ClawStrike9 Yes Ma'am (⊙_⊙;)


@angxlic_nightingale @azon102040 NO CUSSING OVER HERE THIS IS FAMILY FRIENDLY