
I HAVE RETURN BABES  it's been awhile (3 years probably) , I miss you all and I have a new story, I will probably hide the other unfinished one perhaps? 


@Clayy_m Hello dad it's me Miss.Junee


Done with exam and all school work and is ready to go to 2nd senior high school and yea, I'm not sure what kind of subject I will be interested too but about the books I will continue slowly as I also got some motivation with new book, ughhh I have to end one of the book first before releasing the new book out! Geez... Tho you guys don't have to worry about the new book, worry about the ending of the current book that will happen, tata~


I'm hoping you guys would be patience a bit for every chapter book to release bcs I have an exam that I have to prepare myself next year and I may continue releasing more when I'm free from studying or I have a vacation a bit to calm my mind. Thank you for understanding, I love you all ❤