
WHOOPS. anyway, since a buncha you guys like these type songs, can you guys recommend me any upbeat, hateful songs? I mean rocking, loud, angry, negative, hurting-your-ears-but-somehow-pretty-damn-soothing-for-some-reason songs. No slow, sad songs that bring you down. i mean songs that make you wanna jump up and go vandalize a mall or something just for the hell of it. in english preferably :]


WHOOPS. anyway, since a buncha you guys like these type songs, can you guys recommend me any upbeat, hateful songs? I mean rocking, loud, angry, negative, hurting-your-ears-but-somehow-pretty-damn-soothing-for-some-reason songs. No slow, sad songs that bring you down. i mean songs that make you wanna jump up and go vandalize a mall or something just for the hell of it. in english preferably :]


To all of KH's friends:
          My cousin will tell you what she wants to say when she feels the time is right. Please trust her judgement and give her some space. She needs to prepare herself mentally before acting. If she acts now, she will undoubtedly break. She is more fragile than you think. Since this is one of those few times she actually thinks things out, I want to support her a hundred percent. So please, I would like to sincerely ask you to simply listen, but not ask. Thank you.
          If you have no idea what I am saying, then that is fine. If she did not tell you, there is a reason. Please, trust her.


hey~ so i finally found some random motivation somewhere, so expect something [hopefully] before midnight :D its a new/old [i started it like, 3 years ago (_ _ll) ] story that i revised. my miniscule amount of skills dumped me in a ditch and ran away, so sorry if its got terrible grammer, spelling, plot, characters, etc... XD


'cause i lost my notebook [yes, i know i'm way too dependent on that damnn thing], i'll be doing all my stories on the spot w/o a rough draft [too lazy to write a new one, so i'll scrape my brain from what i remember and improvise, so forgive ze mistakes and bad story lines and all that crapp. so so so. yea. expect a lil bit in the near-ish future