Hi there, right now if your reading this, I changed my YouTube name and I'm changing dis one too. My new name is now Cleinden, but you can call be by my real name too, which is Shaun, spelled S-H-A-U-N. I just thaught "FnafCraft17" sounded 1. Cringy 2. Like I do one specific thing, and that's not the case Anyway, if you could follow me on here and subscribe to my YouTube, I'd very much appreciate it! My YouTube is Cleinden spelled that way btw. I know my name isn't changed on here yet, but it will tommorow.
@Rain681 Idk i it just popped into my head. At least i dont sound like a 3 year old with my old namd
@user93935903 no why did you change your name to Cleinden though for some reason it reminds me of vegetables and I'm so confused.