
Hey, I'd like it very much if you could give me some critique. 

          One thing I should mention though is something I frequently get questioned about; I tend to reveal a lot of things as the story goes on. And I mean a lot of things. I will reveal why Greenwood doesn't wear shoes, why she's strong, why Gabriel is staring at his boots, among other things. I'm sorry for taking up a bunch of room on your comments, but I've been yelled at for it a lot of times. Ha 
          Thank you, if you do critique it! :D


Can you pleaaaase review one of my stories. Crash needs a critique more so than Grounds, though, you can do either. Crash is a horror while Grounds is an action story. Grounds is also probably the better of the two, but that may just be because I've gotten a lot of feed back from it. Thanks so much!