
First Chapter Posted!!
          	I posted my first chapter of my KomaHina omegaverse story on Ao3! Really excited to see what people think, since I’ve working in this forever, lol
          	My username on Ao3 is ClickingKeys
          	The fic is titled Under the Blood Moon
          	I’m still scared to post on WattPad, sorry guys ><;; Maybe I’ll feel better about it eventually, but for now, I’m only going to post to Ao3.
          	Anyway, I hope you enjoy!


First Chapter Posted!!
          I posted my first chapter of my KomaHina omegaverse story on Ao3! Really excited to see what people think, since I’ve working in this forever, lol

          My username on Ao3 is ClickingKeys
          The fic is titled Under the Blood Moon
          I’m still scared to post on WattPad, sorry guys ><;; Maybe I’ll feel better about it eventually, but for now, I’m only going to post to Ao3.
          Anyway, I hope you enjoy!


Rough Draft is Finally Done!!
          Current WIP: KomaHina omegaverse 
          Current progress: 525 pages (handwritten) 0/14 posted
          I did it!!! My roughy draft for my KomaHina omegaverse story is finally done!!! Now I just need to type it all up and start posting! I’m super excited!!! 
          I’ll make another announcement when I actually put it up on Ao3. I really hope everyone likes it, but even if no one does, that’s okay! I had an awesome time writing it, and that’s what matters most!
          Have a beautiful day, everyone!


@pochiitass •excited dancing• >w<


@ClickingKeys yay! Can't wait to read it!:D


Feeling Slightly Better About the Viacom Deal
          Current WIP: KomaHina Omegaverse
          Current Progress: 495 pages (handwritten)
          I’m still a little on edge about it, but there has been some reassurance that WattPad won’t just give away your stories. Supposedly, if your story is successful enough to pitch for a show, WattPad will contact you about it first. If you don’t respond, they won’t do anything. This is just information I am hearing from a Reddit post, so take it with a grain of salt. Here’s the post in question:

          So I’m still on the fence about whether I should still post to WattPad. I might wait it out and stick to Ao3 until I get some concrete evidence one way or the other about how this is going to go. I feel like we won’t know for sure until shows actually start being made out of WattPd stories, if that ever actually happens.
          Maybe I’m being paranoid. I just don’t want my hard work to get stolen, y’know? I have spent a long time on my current project, and it would destroy me if it was adapted without my permission. 
          Maybe that’s arrogant of me. Why would anyone want my stupid fanfic stories, lol. I mean, I wouldn’t post my stuff if I didn’t think it was good, but maybe I’m being a little too confident about my writing ability, ha ha.
          Anyway, hope everyone is doing well. Happy New Year!


@pochiitass Aww, thank you so much! >w< I’ll definitely keep you updated on my progress! I’m hoping I can start posting my new fic soon; I feel like I’m close to that point! I’ll just post it on Archive of Our Own until I know for sure whether or not I feel comfortable with WattPad :3 Have a wonderful day!!


Have a wonderful day/night:)))


@ClickingKeys i think i really like your writing, your fanfic was really good and I would really read any upcoming ones you'd make, hopefully we have more evidence soon about the deal, cant wait for the new one work, take ur time and take good rests and eat well!:D


Should I Be Worried About Wattpad’s Partnership With ViacomCBS?
          Hey guys, does anyone have any input on this? I’m afraid to post any more of my stories on WattPad. I really don’t want my writing to be mined for ideas. If anyone is wondering what I’m talking about, here’s an article talking about the partnership deal between WattPad and Viacom:

          The above article from The Verge seems to put a positive spin on the whole deal. Here’s where my worries come in. This is another article from another site:

          Now, the article itself is not what brings up my concerns. It’s the comments. People are saying this is a gateway for writers being underpaid for their work, or even having their work stolen. That might be true, it might not be, but it makes me worried either way.
          As a fanfic writer, this might not affect me. I still think it’s something everyone on this site should be aware of, no matter what you write.
          I’ll watch how things play out from here. I very well might stop posting on WattPad if this becomes an issue. I have an Ao3 account. I can always just use WattPad to link you guys to updates there, if that’s the direction I go in. I just want to play it safe.


@neidoro same as here, I’m ClickingKeys on Ao3, same as here :)


@neidoro no problem! I feel like creative people get screwed over so often, I just want to make sure we’re protected if possible. Like I said, this might not hurt anyone, but I have a bad feeling a lot of writers are going to be hurt by this deal.


@ClickingKeys btw whats ur AO3 account? Or is it the same user here :^


Feeling a Little Bittersweet 
          Still playing Danganronpa S. It’s set in a universe where pretty much every character from every game goes to Hope’s Peak together in a non-Despair setting. It’s also they’re last trip before they graduate. There’s a lot of interactions where the characters mention this being the last time they’ll get to do things together as high school students. 
          On the one hand, it motivates me to write my own stories with these characters because I want them to be able to be together. On the other, it’s sad to see all these characters I’m so attached to feeling like they’re moving on from their time with one another and into their adult lives. 
          I dunno, maybe I shouldn’t think about it so much. It just leaves me feeling kinda bummed.
          Also, I feel like the game itself is lacking in certain areas, but that’s another discussion entirely.


Been Playing Danganronpa S
          Current WIP: KomaHina Omegaverse 
          Current Progress: 435 pages (handwritten)
          My partner and I got Danganronpa Decadence for the Switch on Friday, and we’ve been having a ton of fun with it! I really enjoy seeing the tiny interactions between the characters, some of them are really cute and sweet!
          I have noticed that Hajime says a few times that he’s never had a pet, and doesn’t think he could handle the responsibility of one. But we know Nagito has had a dog in the past, because after Akane chokes him, he says he saw his dog who he hadn’t seen for a long time, implying the Nagito almost died and saw his dog in the afterlife.
          Anyway, all this is to say that I now head cannon that Hajime and Nagito adopt a puppy together. Hajime is the “dad” who does not want a dog, but loves the dog once he has one.
          That’s all. 


I Love It When I Love My Writing
          Current WIP: KomaHina Omegaverse 
          Current Progress: 415 pages (handwritten)
          You ever write a scene and are actually really happy with it? I just wrote one and really feel like I nailed it! I guess we’ll see if that’s true once I actually post it, lol


I Can’t Believe I Broke 400 Pages
          Current Project: KomaHina Omegaverse 
          Current Progress: 400 pages (handwritten)
          This fic just keeps getting longer! Not that it’s a bad thing, I’m just feeling a little nervous about it. The more progress I make, the sooner I have to post it! That’s scary because:
          1.I’m afraid I will have blabbered on and on about it forever and no one will like it. What if I’ve hyped it up too much and now I can’t fulfill expectations? @.@
          2. It’s really hard work, and I’ve been at it forever now. I’m going to miss it once I’m done ;-;
          3. All this progress has been made by me physically writing in a notebook with a pencil. I still have to type all of this up. 400 pages. That’s a lot, and I’m not done!
          All that aside, I’m really happy with the fic, and I really think anyone who gives it a shot will like it too. :3 It’s normal to be a little nervous before putting your work out there into the world, right? 
          Hope you all are having a great day!


@neidoro thank you so much! ;-;


@ClickingKeys make sure to eat, drink water and rest and take breaks!! dont rush into things, and be careful out there!! Ill look forward to your books but no need to rush! Take your time and take care<3


@neidoro thank yooooouuuu! I’ve been struggling with a work-related decision lately, but other than that I’m doing well!


When My Love of Reading Started
          Current Project: KomaHina Omegaverse
          Current Progress: 400 pages (handwritten)
          So I’ve been re-reading a lot of my old Goosebumps books, like I mentioned in my previous post. I was thinking back to when I read my very first one. 
          I was in fourth grade. My school had something called “Silent Sustained Reading”. Basically, you brought your own book to class and read it at a designated time. I had forgotten my book that day, and I thought I was going to get in trouble for not having a book to read.
          The boy who sat next to me was absent that day. So I reached into his desk and pulled out whatever was in there. (I put the book back at the end, I promise!) Lo and behold, it was a Goosebumps! Specifically Beware the Snowman.
          I was pretty intimidated. I was a big scared cat as a kid, and always thought Goosebumps would be too much for me. But in my little fourth grade mind, I had no choice. It was the scary book, or risk my perfect reputation as the teacher’s pet.
          So I started to read. And realized it wasn’t all *that* scary. In fact, I really liked it! I wanted to know what happened, even after reading time was done!
          I told my dad all about it, and he was ecstatic that I wanted to read! We went to all kinds of old bookstores, and he got me a ton of Goosebumps! Some of my fondest memories are of reading together with him on the couch in our old house. He even let me have a little spot for my books in his office library!
          *sigh* I just love these books so much. I have so many memories attached to them. 


The Lasting Impact of Goosebumps (on Me)
          Current WIP: KomaHina Omegaverse (I promise I’ll post it eventually!)
          Pages written: 366 (handwritten; gotta say, typing all of this up is going to be intimidating)
          Writing has been going slow lately. We had the floors remodeled at our house, so we had to move everything out of my room. I came across some things I hadn’t seen in a long time; namely, my Goosebumps collection.
          So I re-read one that I still think about from time to time: The Cuckoo Clock of Doom. I don’t hear about this one on many people’s list of favorites, but I’ve always had strange taste. I could see a little bit of how it influenced my writing style. Going to continue this post on the comments below because I want to wax poetic for a minute.


It was written from first person POV, which is my preferred point of view to write from. The descriptions were actually more detailed than I expected from a children’s book. The scene were also slower than I thought they would be. 
            Also, in this particular entry into the series, there was an emphasis on character over plot. Of course, the plot was important, but I felt the main character had a lot of personality and I really cared about whether or not he succeeded in his goals. (Also, he likes cats, so of course he can do no wrong by me, haha)
            All of these things are really important to me as a writer now. I can’t help but think I have carried a little bit of Goosebumps with me all these years, The Cuckoo Clock of Doom especially. 
            Thank you, RL Stine, for having such a wonderful impact on this silly little fanfic author. 