
@WonkaCurly No problem! ;) && LOL It is exraordinharry ;)


Me:  Hi! *waves* Thanks for 
          Louis: being fabuLOUIS and fanning.
          Harry: Boobear, it's extraordinHARRY!
          Liam: No it's BrilLIAM
          Niall: NO it's PhenomiNIALL
          Zayn: Lads, we all noe it's AmaZAYN!
          Me: Anyways, feel free to pm or chat to me
          Louis: Or me
          Liam: or me
          Zayn: or me
          Niall: or me
          Harry: or me!
          Me: Whenever! Guys seriously cut it out!! Anyways, thanks for fanning :D x  


HEY LOVE! Uhm. Yeah. UPDATE YOUR NIALL STORY ASAP. I updated mine btw. IT'S SO SAD. I thought I would write to you on here. Cause you know, I'm just THAT cool. Anyways. I was watching the football game and OMG KEVIN WAS THERE! I screamed and my dad looked at me like a freakin idiot. (: <3