
Hey I really liked the Free fanfiction! There's not much Free fanfictions, and I can definitely say that this one is my favourite. When's the next update? No rush though. I actually started reading this at 2022, I forgot about it because I lost my account, though I recently had come across it, and I'm now obsessed all over again! 


I read your free x OC book and I had I have a joint of Athena X would have been waiting for so so long if I could be seen an update like I read in I don't even remember when I started reading it but it's amazing I'm really hoping for one day when you update


Can I suggest something real quick, I would personally love a jealous free, can we have more of that?


@chloe_dousabas12345 yea, trying not to spoil rn but basically just easing in the jealousy first before it grows 


@Clinch-the-win I love how you added Ren Wu, and I love how free immediately asked ally about him when she mentioned Ren Wu.


@chloe_dousabas12345 omg I love the jealous trope but whenever I write it I go way too overboard  but yea I’ll definitely be adding it as best as I can. That’s the whole reason for Ren Wu’s character tbh 


I live your story free de la Hoya x OC so much I'm gonna vote for it also when is the next chapter gonna be published?


@chloe_dousabas12345 it’s so nice to see your lovely comments ab my book! Hmm I don’t usually have set dates for my chapters but it might not take that long. 


Thank you so much your story is the absolute best I love you so much for creating this oh and no pressure and all but I just wanted you to know I really want a part two I'm not saying you should make one right away it's just can you also not take long to make one


@chloe_dousabas12345 don’t worry! This definitely isn’t the end (: I’ll try to get the chapters out asap