
So um, what's up with this message board crap? I leave for a month and this app goes to hell, when was the party and why wasn't I invited lol? 


-on a girl and her t-Rex–
          OMG I TOTALLY DIED A LITTLE!!! Such a cool twist except now I'm depressed. Thanks for writing the story, I really liked it.
          THANK GOODNESS JET IS STILL ALIVE!!!! I would cried if he wasn't!


It's alright, I thought It was quite unique. Very touching, big twist, definitely loved it.


@DragonTalons it's not a bother at all, I appreciate the feedback! And thank you for reading my story :). Sorry for all the distress​ the ending caused 


Sorry for bothering you though


Listen up my little slothlords, if you go for a walk in the woods please bring someone with you. If someone isint available, at least bring a phone.
          I'm telling you this because my step mom decided it was a good time to go for a walk at 4:30pm in -30c (-25f) weather. Without her cellphone. She got lost in the woods, it's was dark, and ended up a town over and I thought she died and I was a crying mess (don't judge me) until she called us from a store and told us that she was cold but ok(we picked her up and brought her back and even my dad was crying). So please if you go for a walk in the cold, bring a phone or another human being please.


@SidTheTimeLordSloth Yeah, I'm fine now, that was when I was 17, and I'm 20 now. So, its been awhile, lol.
            Like, I knew and know exactly how to survive a bear situation. But, the bear was too fast, and smart. If your gonna try and survive a bear encounter, you're gonna need a head start, because otherwise the bear will get you no problem. And besides, you cannot outrun a bear. Bears are surprisingly very fast for their weight. Lmao.
            You can try and run, but whether you like it or not, the bear will catch up and pounce, and then you'll be dead in like 10-20 minutes tops.
            Its very complex to explain. I'm a Science Nerd, I know a LOT about space, planets, Earth, some planets that most people don't even know exist, and of course, a LOT about pretty much every animal in the animal kingdom.
            FOR EXAMPLE: The Tyrannosaurus Rex not being able to see you when you do not move in the movies, "Jurassic Park\World", is a complete and utter myth.
            A Tyrannosaurus Rex has as much of amazing vision as a Hawk...
            So, therefore, T-Rex's can see you just fine, and you should probably run. xD
            AND, the velociraptor isn't actually AS big as they make it out to be in the movies, they are actually quite small. Its the Utah Raptor that's big and very deadly.
            There's so many more facts I know about a lot of things, but I'm just saying those for now.
            Oh gosh, there I go again. I'm sorry, I could go on and on with facts, because again, I love Science. xD
            And, no, I didn't learn this from school or anything, school didn't teach me crap. Lmao.
            I am self-taught. :3
            And thanks for understanding. <3
            [Basically any Scientific questions, I can answer, unless its school science because that's fake af. xD]


@cat_bostick I'm sorry you had to go through that. I hope your ok now <3.
            It's no problem for the long reply :D 


@SidTheTimeLordSloth I know this is really late, but I stumbled upon your account and saw this. And I have to say that, I agree. I've been in a similar situation.
            Where I went into the forest, but it was during the day. I got myself lost by accident, and went missing for a week. There was a search party, and I didn't know, of course.
            I stumbled upon some bear cubs, which was very unlucky. They were so cute, but, where there's bear cubs, mama bear is around, and that's not a good thing.
            I did end up getting attacked by the mama bear, and it wasn't pleasant, at all. The roar of a bear in real life, is so much scarier than what you see in the movies, its almost like a monster in a way. Its hard to explain.
            She pinned me to the ground with force, the force of her doing that knocked the air out of me, and of course, it hurt. I didn't know what to do, I guess she thought I was gonna hurt her cubs but I wasn't. I kept yelling, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Over and over again. I panicked.
            She then attacked more, I tried to protect my face and my head. I let her have my arms, because a person's head is important. And she didn't even refuse, she straight up chomped right onto my arms, one at a time. The feeling of her large teeth digging into my flesh AND bones, I cannot even begin to explain how painful it was. I screamed and cried, it was crazy.
            I pushed against her chest and everything, trying to fight back. Until suddenly, I heard 3 gunshots, and the bear fell to the ground on top of me. Whoever it was helped me, and pulled me out from under the dead bear.
            Turns out it was my best friend, with a shotgun that he borrowed from my grandpa. I asked him how he found me, and he said that he just followed my screams and bear roars.
            'Till this day, I'm so thankful for my best friend.
            And so that's my story, so I agree with you.
            I'm SO sorry if this was a long reply. xD
            Happy reading and writing. <3