I'm shocked I didn't know you were on this platform. You don't seem active any longer, but nevertheless, on the very off chance you read this, let me tell you what your work has meant to me. Your work was such an inspiration to me as a teenager. Through reading your work, it bridged a gap for me, in my creativity, between Stephen King and these very black-and-white ideas of good versus evil and what I would call my more corruptible nature where the lines between what is macabre and what can even be called depraved/bizarre get muddled with what I consider desirable and beautiful. I never read anything quite like *Books of Blood* before, and I don't think I've found anything close to it (well, I did feel like a short story, "The Last Feast of the Harlequin" reminded me of you). *Hellraiser* is still something I watch almost compulsively. It's as though you "get" that even the diseased portions can hold a kind of sickly sweetness that the more wholesome parts can't quite kill the cravings for.
Don't mind me, I'm just gonna go back to my corner.