
OH MY GOD HELLO MY PHAM WUT UP DOGS? I AM BACK!!!!! And I've done a lot of lying.... So I don't have any writing for you and I'll pretend I don't exist for a while because I'll be catching up on everything I've missed. Also with the stories I've started: I'm going to have a poll (with a new story so check that out once I've made it). I don't like any of the writing and I'll rewrite one to fit the writing style I have now. I've missed you all so much and I AM SO HAPPY TO BE BACK!!!! I'm also changing my name to CloCloPuff, or maybe CloaphOfBread. Who knows? I'll keep ChoChoPuff for the moment but I HAVE MISSED YOU!!!!




OH MY GOD HELLO MY PHAM WUT UP DOGS? I AM BACK!!!!! And I've done a lot of lying.... So I don't have any writing for you and I'll pretend I don't exist for a while because I'll be catching up on everything I've missed. Also with the stories I've started: I'm going to have a poll (with a new story so check that out once I've made it). I don't like any of the writing and I'll rewrite one to fit the writing style I have now. I've missed you all so much and I AM SO HAPPY TO BE BACK!!!! I'm also changing my name to CloCloPuff, or maybe CloaphOfBread. Who knows? I'll keep ChoChoPuff for the moment but I HAVE MISSED YOU!!!!




Heeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Guess what? You're not going to be able to read this unless you steal my phone or threaten meh so I'm gonna say anything I want to. Aka I AM PHAN TRASH #1 I AM PHIL TRASH #1 I AM DAN TRASH#1 actually I'm not I'm actually probably like PHAN TRASH #2537282528293773995947251727363 #iamsodonesiriimsodone #WENEEDTOSTARTAFUCKINGYOUTUBECHANNELTOGETHERTHENMOVETOLONDONANDGETAFLATTOGETHERYAAAAAASSSSSSSQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEENN #whatismylyfe #lolthismessageissolongbutitsgonnabesoworthitlateromgggggggimsoexcitedtodostufftogetherthatsoundsverywringnvm 
          Ok love u to pieces BYEEEEEEEEEEE<3


OH MY GOD!!1! Guys, I am so sorry I haven't been on Wattpad recently (aka the last few months but we'll look past that). My mom took it away and how I'm posting this is that I'm on the site secretly. I miss you all so much and you are like my family. But I will make a great case around April 20th so watch out for that (it's my birthday that day). But if you were, don't be worried! I will complete the stories I'm working on! I'm also working on one in private on my iPod and one with my friend collaboratively so I think that'll be good. But, again,  I miss you all so much, you are all family. If you want to add one of my stories to my library, feel free, but I probably won't update for a while. Unless you're reading this past April 20th and you're out of the loop. Anyway,if you know someone who's reading one of my stories, tell them this and tell them they they are also apart of the family. In the meantime, ask me questions, I'll do a q&a when I come back... if I don't forget. Anyway, I love you all so goodboi for now my lovelies! <3


@ChoChoPuff oh wow that sucks... April 20 can't come any sooner, I hope you come back soon!!!