@Boom_pixel I am fine! Thank you for the concern! I've had a severe case of writer's block mixed with a heavy amount of overtime at work due to it being the holiday season.
So I just finished chapter 7 and I have made a list of all 9 girls that I think will be there, obviously we have been told of 5. But I also have a list of 6 possible members if any of the 9 are incorrect.
@voidgod1 there is no set timeline on the next chapter. As I said at the end of my previously posted chapter, there will be a delay on it due to personal reasons.
@Ivansal it's a work in progress at the moment. I have about half of it done, but I've had some recent health issues come up and haven't had the motivation or time to finish it lately. My best estimation would be 2 weeks at the most, 1-1 1/2 weeks at the earliest