Can u agree with me that when ever u read any book or novel...u fall in love with like some random character....and then u think to urself: OMG! WTH! He's not real! Why did I even fall in love with some book character?! And then later ur like: WHY?????!!!! I love him!! Why can't he be real?!
Dat happend to me many times...even in anime!! lol
@notjustarandomgirl I'm like in loved with James!! Like...he is like OMG sooo cool!
@cold_lady19 I'm like crazy for Evan!! now that I'm reading the sequel...everytime I'm waiting for the next chapter I'm like always thinking: EVAN!!! I LOVE U!!! U AND JULES R LIKE ROMEO AND JULIET!! u 2 r totally getting perfect couple of the year and hottest couple! lol
don't judge my craziness...I'm crazy for Must Date The PlayBoy and My Wattpad Love