this message may be offensive
So today...
I came home right, pissed bc my dumbass failed my fucking physics exam in tuition, that's fine btw.
I take my phone, turn it on, wanting to relax a little and forget about the failure that is my existence.
I see this message from an unknown number, that I vaguely recognised, but not really tbh.
Right so...
I open it and it says shit like "hey, I miss you."
And I am like, "new phone who dis?"
And that imposter goes, "it's me".
So I was like... "Thanks that clears up everything" bc I am sarcastic and annoying like that and they go, "it's me, Roxanne."
And that's when I realised my crusty, dusty, musty ex (who blocked me without saying anything) texted me saying she misses me.
So me being a petty smartass texted back "same phone who dis" bc I hate her with every inch of my 5 feet body.
And then she went, "StoP BeInG sO RuDe, Is tHerE sOmethInG WroNg in SayIng I mIss yOu??".
Then I blocked her :)
How was your day btw?? :)