I figured I would see if I could communicate with you on here possibly, though I will be sending basically a similar message I sent to you on discord but isolation won't do anything Kori, it's better to try and be better because you'll end up succeeding in the end if you're somewhat determined. I know you're going through a hard time or something and I can't get on my knees and beg you to come back but honestly it's pathetic whenever you just give up, you don't wanna be pathetic do you? People who are pathetic don't get nothing good, I'm sure you don't wanna become one of those people. But it's your choice if you wanna be isolated forever or if you wanna try and communicate with someone, I'll even actually try and be here for you this time if you do. I sorta held a grudge against you for awhile so I wasn't too talkative but now I'm over it and stable for the most part so if you come back feel free to come to me for any support or anything. I'm willing to listen.