
So I finally updated IATD... I am so sorry it took forever. I'll hopefully update more frequently now that I don't have writer's block!


I have been so lax in my writing I am so sorry! I know that I have to finish IATD but I have lost some of my inspiration... I don't know but I've been discouraged from writing... I really wanna finish the book for you all but I don't know if that will happen anytime soon, and it's about to hit 3k reads and I feel horrible because I've left it at the same spot for a month...


Hello! Because you liked my other Legend of Zelda, fanfic, then would you please try my new one? You definitely don't have to, I just thought it would interest you! I'm trying to get more reads and votes, and I hope that I'll be able to do that by informing people like you who have read my other zelda fanfics! Thanks for reading this—sorry if this annoyed you! I've finally made another for all the people who enjoyed my last one ;)