Hello, I was wondering if you are continuing your books as it’s been a while since you’ve posted on them, and I just want to say I really love your writing style and the books you’ve made!
It’s ok take your time, personally I know how busy and stressful life can get so I hope that you won’t become too stressed so take as much time as you need!
@Evilfizzygirl hello! First of, thank you for reading my works, it makes me really happy! And Honestly life has been rather busy for me, so it was hard to publish chapters. However, I continue to write down ideas for future chapters so that I can publish them soon. I hope you can be a little patient, and thank you again! ^^
Hey you read this book and comment “ok I’m a kpop Fan Right here and why does carter remind me of suga so much? You’d understand if you knew kpop” can you tell me what book this is pls? My friend has been sending us screenshots of the comments and doesn’t wanna tell us the book so pls help lol