Just wanted to say your book Believe In Me is amazing! It’s really nice reading a book and just by reading being able to know that the author actually knows/has probably played the sport they are writing about. Plus this is probably one of the only sports books I have read where the girl isn’t playing the sport to impress some guy or just to be around guys all the time
No problem! Just calling it how I see it
If you haven't already I recommend watching the movie Annie O and the tv show Hangtime on YouTube. They have a similar storyline of a female playing on an all-male basketball team. Based on the book I think you would really enjoy them!
I don’t think you’ll ever know how much I appreciate this comment. Thank you so much ✊ I’ll make sure to continue to keep it pure within this Wattpad abyss
Hey everyone, thanks for supporting Believe in Me so far! I’ve gone back and change the chapter formats a bit and added some new chapters. Be sure to check it out when you can!