
So if anyone has read the stories, The New Point of View, and The Strength of a Soul, those will be on hold, my reason is that I have so many stories I want to work on, I can't focus on the main ones I started off with, ABC Without a Happy Ending Z, and Understory, (plus the art and short story books) I will be working on these stories whenever I feel like it but posted until either Understory and/or ABC Without a Ending Z. Thanks if you read this and/or New Point of View/Strength of a Soul. 


Thank you for the follow! <3
          If it calls to you, I invite you to read my new novella, Red Diamond Rocker


            No problem! 
            I'll gladly check it out. 


So if anyone has read the stories, The New Point of View, and The Strength of a Soul, those will be on hold, my reason is that I have so many stories I want to work on, I can't focus on the main ones I started off with, ABC Without a Happy Ending Z, and Understory, (plus the art and short story books) I will be working on these stories whenever I feel like it but posted until either Understory and/or ABC Without a Ending Z. Thanks if you read this and/or New Point of View/Strength of a Soul. 