@pityparti - Damn, "Bass and Guitar" will forever be in my favorites. I read a few chapters earlier and I'm still screaming. You won't believe how excited I got when I saw your updates <3
@star-mie - First and best best friend. Thank you Faith for being my friend. I don't know what I would've done without you. Really hope we stay friends for as long as possible. Infinite love to you <3
@sleepingwithseamus - All your books were stunning. There's really nothing else I could say lmao
@Locodoco - You had legit league fanfics. Your Bjerg fic was the first league fic I've ever read, so thanks for starting my obsession off strong!
@Runeglaive - RIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I seriously hope we get to meet each other, but I don't know how likely that will be with me moving and all NotLikeThis. Definitely in the book of the best.
@AsianJaeZhou - Thank you soooo much for feeding my obsession with Meteos and Cloud9 in general! Love your books and forever will no matter what.
@MissStealYoBlue - Your Dyrus fic was one of the most amazing fanfictions I've ever read. The amount of times I've gone back to reread it...
@rhink-trash and @greenthi - You're both trash cans and I hate you guys. Jk bye forever lmao
@MynameisSquishy01 - Okay. "When Stars Align" was the first ever fanfiction I've read and it was absolutely amazing. I would internally (and on occasion, externally) scream when I saw you update. Thank you so so much for that book. It really set my standards for the fanfictions I read. You've inspired me so much, and I can't say how much I appreciate you for that. Thank you forever and always!
So that's it I guess. Thank you everyone for existing around me and introducing me to this giant community I never thought existed. Also sorry that this is sooper late (It's 2:30 am for me), but I just had to.
And for (maybe) the last time,
Yes Spaghetti and thanks for all the fish.