Hello. It's been a while.
I'm very sorry for what I am about to say.
this account will no longer be used.
why you may ask?
well one reason, one that I am incredibly scared to state here.
In a nutshell, something happened in April of this year, and my opinion of a lot of things has drastically changed. I bet you can probably guess what happened just from that, and it makes me kind of sick that I know a lot of people are going to hate me if I say anything, so I wont. Ill let you figure it out.
For starters, I do indeed plan to start a YouTube channel, focused on animation. Although I wont be using this account anymore, you all are welcome to subscribe to my channel once it releases. Ill be sure to use this platform to announce it, because i need publicity, even if Wattpad publicity is kind of not the audience I'm looking for;TL'DR a family friendly audience for example. every type is allowed though.
Im 18 now, and I've matured significantly since I first made this account all the way back in 2020. I realize a lot of the things on here are really cringey and were stuff I certainly should not have been writing. I would like to apologize for that, as that stuff could have gotten me into serious trouble and I did indeed get in trouble for all the things discovered about this when I got found out all those years ago. I regret most the things I've done (except the creation of the one you all know as Herbert, Lol), and I aim to further mature and move on from the things on this account. Until I announce the creation of my channel and start it, I will not be using this platform, and I will not post here anymore after the channel announcement.
There are some people on this platform that, despite our differing views, I respect and truly believe are good people. I'm hoping that you decided to stay after all this time.
One last time, I am truly sorry that this is how its going to be.
I still love you guys regardless. Stay safe <3