
Bit of a random question, but does anyone know of any cosmic horror stories on this platform? I’ve been getting into cosmic horror lately with Hellraiser, Berserk, Bloodborne, and I’m only now starting to dabble in Cthulhu lore.
          	Like I said, bit of a random question that I’m not really expecting an answer to, since it is a bit of a niche genre, but I’d thought I’d ask.


@Cmonkey512 Not that I know of. Sorry.


I have a question when will you update your Cayde-6 story in Transformer Prime? I'm just asking out of curiosity


@Yuuss7777 Uh, so, that actually wasn't on my agenda to update soon, originally. However, after some shifts in interest, lore diving in a few different subjects, and some other life stuff, it has now been moved up the ladder and will be updated soon. I'm actually almost done with the scraplet chapter, it really only needs a few finishing touches.


Bit of a random question, but does anyone know of any cosmic horror stories on this platform? I’ve been getting into cosmic horror lately with Hellraiser, Berserk, Bloodborne, and I’m only now starting to dabble in Cthulhu lore.
          Like I said, bit of a random question that I’m not really expecting an answer to, since it is a bit of a niche genre, but I’d thought I’d ask.


@Cmonkey512 Not that I know of. Sorry.


this message may be offensive
Sup? Been a while since you heard from me, huh? I just thought I’d make this announcement to clarify that I am, in fact, NOT dead. As a matter of fact, I have a list of books that I will be updating more frequently in the near future. 
          Team WAAR Volume 3 (God knows I’ve left that alone for way too long)
          Crimson Squad is living with me
          Star Wars x Senran Kagura
          Destiny x Highschool DxD
          TF2 x Highschool DxD
          Dishonored x Akame ga Kill
          I also have a list of some future books that will come out.
          An upcoming Halo fanfic that I have yet to name (I actually released the first few chapters as a teaser)
          Team WAAR x Team MARN x GATE
          A possible Armored Core book, but that’s not a guarantee
          Possible Gears of War story, also not a guarantee 
          RWBY reacts: CoD Black Ops (excluding 3 and 4)
          RWBY x SWTOR Sith Inquisitor (which is a spin-off of SW x Senran Kagura)
          And, to clarify,here are a few books that will not be discontinued, but are put on hold for a bit:
          Subnautica remaster
          Attack on Titan x Akame ga Kill
          Alan Becker x Senran Kagura
          My Friend Pedro x RWBY
          And… yeah, that’s really all I got for now. So… have fun!


@Cmonkey512 If u need help with the Alan Becker x Senran Kagura story, I’d be glad to help. And I hope this link will help.


@Visual_idiot I barely understand the Zombies timeline myself, so I was just gonna stick with WaW, BO1, BO:CW, and BO2.


@Cmonkey512, whatever you do, do not subject team rwby to the absolute monolith that is the Call of Duty Zombies Timeline 


My brothers… do this… if not for me, then for Rick May…


@Cmonkey512 I already signed the petition.


Hey man. You wouldn't mind continuing the dishonored x akame ga kill story, would you?


Yeah, that will be continued. It’s just taking a bit longer than I’d like because I decided to change around some of the story beats that I originally drafted, then life came and started kicking me in the ass on top of that.