
It looks like WattPad deleted my story Sleep Baby, Jack& Emily, part 1?! Fortunately I was able to copy my story onto Word so I can expand and develop it into a full story with an HEA, so I will one day soon put up the new revision. Watt Pad will hopefully leave it alone....? I know it is erotica but I have read darker and just as explicit on the platform. 
          	Any way, for the writers out there, do all edits on another platform, DO NOT CREATE YOUR STORY ON WATTPAD, THEY CAN AND DO REMOVE THE STORIES WITHOUT DUE WARNING.  Heartbreaking after so many hours working on a story.  Also, they make it crazy difficult to copy your own story after you’ve typed it onto their platform in order to edit it elsewhere. Very difficult but not impossible, there are hoops you can jump through if creative!
          	Ok, enough of that! Have a WONDERFUL holiday season! I have been so encouraged by my increasing followers and all the positive comments! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am hard at work on Jack & Emily, and am SO EXCITED on how it is going. A very obsessed Jack is stalking his prey, lol! She has no idea...


Hii hope ur doing well❤️just wanted to know if you  have any updates on ur story or when it’ll be ready to publish again:) I’m a huge fan and I can’t wait to read it 


   Can't wait I'm so excited to read it!!! 


It looks like WattPad deleted my story Sleep Baby, Jack& Emily, part 1?! Fortunately I was able to copy my story onto Word so I can expand and develop it into a full story with an HEA, so I will one day soon put up the new revision. Watt Pad will hopefully leave it alone....? I know it is erotica but I have read darker and just as explicit on the platform. 
          Any way, for the writers out there, do all edits on another platform, DO NOT CREATE YOUR STORY ON WATTPAD, THEY CAN AND DO REMOVE THE STORIES WITHOUT DUE WARNING.  Heartbreaking after so many hours working on a story.  Also, they make it crazy difficult to copy your own story after you’ve typed it onto their platform in order to edit it elsewhere. Very difficult but not impossible, there are hoops you can jump through if creative!
          Ok, enough of that! Have a WONDERFUL holiday season! I have been so encouraged by my increasing followers and all the positive comments! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am hard at work on Jack & Emily, and am SO EXCITED on how it is going. A very obsessed Jack is stalking his prey, lol! She has no idea...


Hii hope ur doing well❤️just wanted to know if you  have any updates on ur story or when it’ll be ready to publish again:) I’m a huge fan and I can’t wait to read it 


   Can't wait I'm so excited to read it!!! 


Hi guys! I wanted to update everyone on what is going on with my Sleep Baby Series, Jack & Emily. I know most of you are waiting for Part 2 but I’ve decided to expand on Part 1 first. I’m doing a major overhaul and adding Emily’s POV and developing their relationship. I’m super excited about doing this as it was so difficult to write Part 2 without including Emily’s POV in part 1. I’m saving the original story for those who hate to see it changed and love it in its original format.  Stay tuned! ❤️


Hi I was wondering are you doing a second book for sleep baby


I am going to do a second book, and I’ve even written some of it, things have just been so crazy lately. Thank you for enjoying my first book though. I’ll start working on the second soon. Once I get going it goes pretty quick!


Hi! I wanted to know if you were going to start posting part 2 of sleep baby??


I do have some of the second book written, but I don’t like to post as I go because a lot of times I go back and change things. Once I get going it goes pretty quick though. Thank you for enjoying my first book, it’s very gratifying to know that you were looking forward to the second one!


Hi guys! I just published my second story, it’s just a short kinky read called The Donations Jar. I hope you enjoy it. It’s been sitting in my Ulysses writing app for a couple of years. I just thought I’d treat you guys with it!