
Hello guys! Long time so see! :) I have a lot of important news so here it goes! First off, let me say that I am SO sorry that I haven't been online. Like, at all. I had unexpected family issues and I had to take a hiatus. I also forgot to update for the past few weeks because of exams and such. Now its Spring break and I have more free time so I'll be updating more! Secondly, I am deleting Virtual Paradise and starting over. I don't like where it's going and I want to try again with it. It'll be a while before it's reposted so please be patient. Thanks for understanding! I should be updating Forever Hurt soon!


Hello guys! Long time so see! :) I have a lot of important news so here it goes! First off, let me say that I am SO sorry that I haven't been online. Like, at all. I had unexpected family issues and I had to take a hiatus. I also forgot to update for the past few weeks because of exams and such. Now its Spring break and I have more free time so I'll be updating more! Secondly, I am deleting Virtual Paradise and starting over. I don't like where it's going and I want to try again with it. It'll be a while before it's reposted so please be patient. Thanks for understanding! I should be updating Forever Hurt soon!


Well everyone. I'm considering starting another account and deleting this one. my current email isn't working for some odd reason and it won't let me do specific things. I will move my stories as well as everything else, so don't fret. I haven't even made it official yet. I'll see what I can do and let you know in a couple days.