
Soooo.... well The Talented has been really slow to update lately, however it IS coming back ASAP!!! chapter 5 is 3/4 written and 6 just needs to be typed up then we'll do a 3 chapter upload!! (you'll see how that works with only two chapters later) then hopefully we'll get back to a semi-normal upload schedule!!! So SO sorry about the wait!!! :D


Soooo.... well The Talented has been really slow to update lately, however it IS coming back ASAP!!! chapter 5 is 3/4 written and 6 just needs to be typed up then we'll do a 3 chapter upload!! (you'll see how that works with only two chapters later) then hopefully we'll get back to a semi-normal upload schedule!!! So SO sorry about the wait!!! :D


          If you read Chapter 3 BEFORE RIGHT NOW you need to go back and re-read it. We found a major mistake, and it changed the plot a bit. Sorry for the inconvenience. -Nic & Blue (IHopeYouStepOnALego & Cresil21)