Hi! Welcome to our page!
I'm going to deliver this message anonymously-
Someone joined this account, and posted horrible , offensive, harassing messages- and not just here.
Many books were deleted, drafts that were worked hard on, followers were lost, and perhaps even beloved members, and worse, friends.
I, personally, typing this message, do not know who the person typing the insults was- but I intend to discover, and report them. Hopefully we can get them off of this account (and even site), without further harm being done.
Along with that, I do not know what is to become with this account. I know Emma is devastated, because she trusted all of us as members of this peaceful, friendly community- now a corrupted nearly inexistent one.
So if you're still here, thank you for taking your time to read this.

Guys this is another message, from a different member. Again, it is anonymous. I just wanted to say that what happened here was horrible, and whoever did this should be found and reported. A fellow member of this account has suggested that we make a new account. I, for one, think we should. If anyone else does, we shall.


Again, this is a different person. I feel like I'm to blame for these troubles, for if it hadn't been for another writing account I created with my friend, this wouldn't be going on. I am so sorry for ruining it, but thank you for taking the time to visit our page.
  • Дата регистрацииMay 8, 2016

Последнее сообщение
CoWriting-Superstars CoWriting-Superstars Oct 18, 2016 01:30AM
Wait... What's happening!?!!-sorry charging issues bluedragoncalcite
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