
I also just realized Butterfly broke 300 reads just a few days ago. Big thanks to everyone who's read and voted!


With my newest story I'll be dividing it into sections along with chapters.  There will be six chapters in all, but these chapters will be divided into sections and will be somewhat self-contained. This is so that I can provide steady updates and finish the story in a more timely and organized manner. Feedback is appreciated, hope the story's enjoyable. 
          Chapter Two: A Caterpillar's Journey up the Tree (Section 1) Is now released c:


I think I’ve finally come back from the dead. Second Chapter of “A Black Butterfly’s Emergence” to release within the next two weeks. If any delays or updates come up I’ll be sure to post about it here. 


Hello! I just wanted to make a quick post to let everyone know I’ve started a little shortstory collection called Assimilation. The first two chapters are out with another one coming every Thursday and Monday. I’d really appreciate if you took the time to check it out as I haven’t had time to properly advertise this one like I had the other two stories I released.


The Sound of Rain has just passed 100 views! I can't explain how happy I am to see it doing well. I came in with low expectations and 100 views just seems wild to me. Thank you to everyone who's read it, it means the world : )
          I also have a quick announcement- I have some stories like the Sound of Rain coming out very soon. The titles of these stories are as follows: 
          A Box of Nothing
          A Single Breathe
          the first story, A Box of Nothing, should be coming out sometime in the next few days. The other will be out around the beginning of next week. Make sure to keep an eye out for them over these next two weeks!


@Cobers congratulations! More to come!❤