Sooo a bit of an update on me in case any of you care. (It's kinda more of a confession if I'm being honest) I'm probably not okay mentally.
This past year has been . . . a nightmare. I moved to a new school AGAIN and was faced with rather high expectations considering I'm barely able to talk to people without messing up everything for myself. Even though I got okay grades, I feel like I just barely passed my classes, mostly due to things being switched to online. My work ethic SUFFERED due to online school because I lost all sense of order and structure in my daily routine. My sensitive emotions and the fact that I've moved too many times for my feeble being to handle didn't help the situation. On top of this, next year is my last year of high school meaning the pressure is on. AP classes, finding a college (which is hard when you have no clue what to do with your future), and driver's ed because due to all the moving, I still don't know how to drive and I still don't want to know because it terrifies me (then again, everything about my future terrifies me).
I've been trying to finish things, but my motivation is as sporadic as ever. That's kinda why "Random Origins" became a thing: I felt like writing random stuff. I've also been trying to finish other projects for other people and myself, and not much has been getting done. And now I'm drawing things?? But I haven't the slightest idea as to how to draw anything.
If you guys wanna see me continue anything or maybe start something new (but I can't guarantee I'll start anything new), please tell me because it just might give me the motivation to do that thing. Or not. Or I'll just do it one day. Who knows?
TL;DR: My life is a mess, and I'm lacking motivation. Please tell me if you want a thing so I can be motivated to do said thing.
Also, I just watched TRON Uprising in its entirety in about 2 days, and I love it. Although, that might just be because I grew up watching TRON and I love the movies to death. I dunno.