
I feel genuinely bad for people that follow me here. Like, I just disappeared off the face of this platform with no freaking warning.
          	Uh, I don’t post here. I probably never will again. Sorry. Trust me, I’m as heartbroken as you are. 
          	I have Twitter. 
          	Don’t follow me on Twitter.
          	I sometimes post art that’s bad and no one cares about. Occasionally ocs will pop up on there. 
          	Honestly, it’s probably not anything you’re interested in.
          	Sorry for being a jerk. 
          	I can’t really make up for it either. 
          	If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I probably won’t answer for a few months, but feel free to ask anyway.


Side comment: how in the world do I still have 52 followers? What are these poor people waiting for?? I feel like I’ve let them down so much.


I feel genuinely bad for people that follow me here. Like, I just disappeared off the face of this platform with no freaking warning.
          Uh, I don’t post here. I probably never will again. Sorry. Trust me, I’m as heartbroken as you are. 
          I have Twitter. 
          Don’t follow me on Twitter.
          I sometimes post art that’s bad and no one cares about. Occasionally ocs will pop up on there. 
          Honestly, it’s probably not anything you’re interested in.
          Sorry for being a jerk. 
          I can’t really make up for it either. 
          If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I probably won’t answer for a few months, but feel free to ask anyway.


Side comment: how in the world do I still have 52 followers? What are these poor people waiting for?? I feel like I’ve let them down so much.


Sooo a bit of an update on me in case any of you care. (It's kinda more of a confession if I'm being honest) I'm probably not okay mentally. 
          This past year has been . . .  a nightmare. I moved to a new school AGAIN and was faced with rather high expectations considering I'm barely able to talk to people without messing up everything for myself. Even though I got okay grades, I feel like I just barely passed my classes, mostly due to things being switched to online. My work ethic SUFFERED due to online school because I lost all sense of order and structure in my daily routine. My sensitive emotions and the fact that I've moved too many times for my feeble being to handle didn't help the situation. On top of this, next year is my last year of high school meaning the pressure is on. AP classes, finding a college (which is hard when you have no clue what to do with your future), and driver's ed because due to all the moving, I still don't know how to drive and I still don't want to know because it terrifies me (then again, everything about my future terrifies me).
          I've been trying to finish things, but my motivation is as sporadic as ever. That's kinda why "Random Origins" became a thing: I felt like writing random stuff. I've also been trying to finish other projects for other people and myself, and not much has been getting done. And now I'm drawing things?? But I haven't the slightest idea as to how to draw anything.
          If you guys wanna see me continue anything or maybe start something new (but I can't guarantee I'll start anything new), please tell me because it just might give me the motivation to do that thing. Or not. Or I'll just do it one day. Who knows?
          TL;DR: My life is a mess, and I'm lacking motivation. Please tell me if you want a thing so I can be motivated to do said thing.
          Also, I just watched TRON Uprising in its entirety in about 2 days, and I love it. Although, that might just be because I grew up watching TRON and I love the movies to death. I dunno.


Wow. I’ve just been feeling all kinds of demotivated lately. I barely have any time to myself due to school being particularly rough, and on days like this or snow days when I do have time, I just . . . 
          I’m not really sure what’s wrong with me currently. I’m hoping I’ll figure it out. I do have plans to write something for SNO season 2. I’m technically not writing something specifically for OriginZ but there’ll definitely be some of that action. Sadly, before I can even think about writing that, I have to finish Special, and for whatever stupid reason, I can’t bring myself to do it. 
          I have technically written a few paragraphs, but they felt so choppy and out of character, and I just don’t know what’s  wrong. Maybe all the moving is finally getting to me. Maybe it’s the stress of school? I guess I just don’t have a routine at this new school that allows me to write on a weekly basis. 
          I’m really sorry about this, guys. I hope I can pull myself back together soon,  but I’m honestly not sure how. I probably won’t be updating much, not that anyone really reads these anyway.


@CobraDragon699 Just take your time. Focus on your life away from writing. Who knows, it may leave you with inspiration! But just know we are here with you all the way. Take care of your health and stay safe! 
            Hope you have an amazing day/night/morning/evening! 
            and PS, yes I do read these. XD


I’m honestly seriously debated whether or not I should do a fanfic for the new Origins series. I have some great character concepts I would love to try out, but considering the genre of this Origins (and the fact I haven’t been able to finish ANYTHING in the past month) I probably shouldn’t. I’m honestly not even sure if I’ll be able to finish this one for SNO s2.


          I wonder if this season if FTO will end the same way seasons 2 & 3 did: Xylo exploding and then BANG cliffhanger. It would be cool to see God Xylo return. 
          Fangirling aside, with me being on winter break for a little while, hopefully I can get ahead on some of these parts and maybe even work on Special. And, of course, I should write a little Christmas present for you all. We’ll see. 
          In the meantime, I have some things to figure out for my next SNO fanfic that I’ve been neglecting recently.


            Totally not panicking. No. It’s fine. 
            This . . . changes a few things. 
            I hope everyone in the Origins Crew isn’t over working themselves. There’s been a lot of crazy stuff happening lately. Hope they’re doing okay.


The constant struggle:
          Finish essay
          Write more fun stuff
          Only one more week of school before I can fully dedicate myself to writing fanfics and staying up late watching Michael (not that I could if I wanted to because my WiFi hates meeeeee). If I make it through this semester alive, I'm gonna be so proud of myself. Sure, I'll still have half a year of emotional torture to endure, but my entire life is emotional torture at this point, so what's the difference? My emotions just like to torture me.
          Wish me luck on my semester finales!


Apparently, I’m mainly working on Whispering Shadows now. I didn’t plan for this to happen, but hey! That’s what the story’s kinda for. Special’s taking a backseat as I work a bit harder on laying out my Teeth and Tails sequel. (I found myself in a bit of writers block the other day so I started working on the cover, and it’s looking pretty sweet so far. We’ll see if I’m able to somehow mess it up with my nonexistent drawing skills.)
          I’m really enjoying the Superhero stuff, and I’m remembering why I loved Remnants so much! I AM STOVE!! It’s going really well, and I’ll hopefully be able to actually finish it and give that series a bit more of a finale. We’ll see if I can pull it off!


I’m kinda amazed that I’ve actually been able to get parts done for Special. School’s been pretty rough this year due to the whole moving thing, and I’ve really been struggling to figure out how everything works AND continue passing PreCalc and US Government (save me please). Despite this, however, I’ve been posting parts consistently for a good few weeks now. 
          I want you guys to know that this could end at anytime. I might get a really hard project and not have time over the weekend. I might have no time after school because I have to meet with my teachers so that I understand math. 
          If I don’t post for a week, it will probably only be for that week and I’ll be back in a week or two. 
          Just wanted to let you guys know in case something happens.