2020 me would be flabbergasted by me no longer liking Dream and Tommyinnit it's surreal guys where are you all at now in your lives...

@CocaCrack I distance myself from minecraft after the whole downfall and drama stuff, I end up blocking most of the members from the dsmp, still follow dream though. Have a long break of minecraft about 2 month or so, then I discover Hermitcraft (Grian) then start questioning YouTube why did they now show me this, and I'm now start shipping Scarian. DSMP used to be my main Fandom but now I have moved to the Darry(Harco) and Ceddra Fandom. So yea, life is going smoothly for me, but things are not the same from what they use to. I'm still miss techno,after he gone, everything just collapsed like 9/11

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@I-H4T3-Y0LK yeah I supported Dream and Tommyinnit till recently with what happened... It's crazy with how much stuff has gone on, I mean the Wilbur shit is still a stab to anyones gut. S tier acting from him, I'll give him that- but he was stupid for admitting it in his 'apology' like wow you just slapped guilty on your face. At least we all found out what kind of person he was, hell all his friends did (even if I don't like Tommy, Phil, Jack Manifold etc they weren't *abusers* same with Dream).

@CocaCrack Honestly yea, I was so obsessed with dsmp, I drank up anything related to it. I used to kind of block out whatever drama they were in but lately some of the controversies and allegations have been getting too severe, especially with Wilbur and Dream.