
Okay, you guys, Ali here with another update!!
          	  Both Syd and I have been pretty silent for a while for different reasons but in about two weeks I'll be able to start updating regularly again. 


Dear followers and those who enjoy our story in progress, Always California Waters, I (Ali) have an announcement. From this point forward for the next couple of weeks, or even months, updating Katherina chapters isn't going to be easy for me. I'm currently in the middle of a move across country, from Georgia to California and I will not have much time to write. I won't have motivation either, to be honest. I've been rather depressed lately due to my current situation and I just can't find the want to write as much or as good as I can on a good day. I apologize and I hope you guys are patient with Syd and I.
            We love you!!


@HipsterMermaid01 thanks, babe, I'm gonna miss you too! ^.^


@CockaDoodleDont hope it works out babes im gonna miss you ^_^