Hey all! Sorry about the inactivity. In all honesty, I've lost motivation to write, at least for the RWBY book, with all the bad writing, story, and whatnot I'm hearing about the later volumes. I do still what to try writing though, I find it fun to put a pen to paper, (or in this case fingers to a screen) and write a story that can pull you in. So here's what I'm going to try and do: I will try my best to finish volume 4, and leave it at a bit of a cliffhanger. Meanwhile, I'm going to look at other stories to see what else I can write (still fanfics for now, I have some original works, but they aren't fully fleshed out yet). And if you want to, go ahead and suggest what I can work on next. Hopefully working on something else helps me try to write again. Also, if you have any questions, feel free to ask! See ya'll around!