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Random story time to distract myself from knowing I can't look up my own home country without finding p*rn of it!
I call this story the 'Gayman' story lol
When I was in 6th grade, my class was studying Ancient Greece or Rome (I can't remember lmao) and we had to research a man we where assigned to (all the people who made history where men, which made me a little upset for no reason).
I forgot his first name, but the dude I had to research was named 'Gaiman'.
Most people pronouce it 'Guy-man', but my dumb ass looked at it and thought it was pronounced 'Gay-man'.... And proceeded to pronouce it as 'Gay-Man' for about a month or two.
The day the research was assigned, the kids had to talk about the person they researched and explain them to the entire class.
When it came to be my turn, I pronouced Gaiman as 'gay-man' in front of the entire class, repeating it a few times, then got correct by my teacher (still standing up front) on how to pronouce it. I continued, but only pronouced it 'guy-man' once or twice.
....I still refuse to pronouce Gaiman as anything other than 'gay-man', and have taken a vow to myself to pronouce it that for the rest of my life.
Gayman is truly the best name in existence.