Hi so thinking about posting a new story that I've been working on, it really depends on the audience reaching it. but I am writing a cute monster romance between two ace sexual characters the main love interest in non binary, I will be honest they are the monster in the relationship but I plan to add a few more. anyways here is a little summary for those interested:
in a world where humans and supernatural entities live together Emmy is a florist that works in her own flower shop that is opposite the new café that recently opened deciding to take a look she realises that the café is run but a very sweet eldritch creature trying to make a life for themself in the rural town they not long ago moved into. With each visit Emmy soon finds out she isn't just coming here for the sweet treats being baked there.
so that is the little summary, I will admit that it will be face paced as the story kind of focuses on the twos relationship itself, such as the MC meeting their partners parents, having vulnerable moments and over all having some cute little moments. so if anyone is interested do let me know as I am debating on either sharing it here or other places