Hello! I will be starting a new Fanfic pretty soon you can check it out on my website https://coldskinnedfics.carrd.co/ but do not worry I will also be working on "I love you like a dog" a lot more!!
Hey how do I access the website? All it's showing me is the cards but I don't know how to get to the fics from there? The links only trace back to your account and the cards don't have links or anything I can open??
Hello! I will be starting a new Fanfic pretty soon you can check it out on my website https://coldskinnedfics.carrd.co/ but do not worry I will also be working on "I love you like a dog" a lot more!!
HEY 005 to "I love you like a dog" Is not up sorry for the VERY VERY LONG wait ....
ALSO join the dicord trying to reach 20 people https://discord.gg/jZe7b2yX