

 Belly of the Beast is the latest chapter of my new book, The Dawn of Revelation (Available soon.) So from me to you, my beloved readers, I'm going to post a series of posts that will break down the lore behind every chapter of every book. This week, to honor the release of the first two chapters of the Dawn of Revelation, I will be covering the Sickened. When playing Dead Space for the first time, the concept of mutated alien zombies that can play possum scared the bejesus out of me. 
               This stuck with me, and when Ebola virus was in outbreak across different parts of the world in 2014-2015, I had the perfect formula for a scary ass zombie. In the light of the COVID-19 Pandemic, I was driven to bring these undead demons to life. Read more of my series, and get ready because I've got a lot coming down the tube. 


And again I’d like to apologize for my infrequent publishings as of lately. Life’s been really busy for me as I’m also currently trying to make a living out of this aspiration for rising to top of the ladder of literature while juggling the responsibilities that come along with beginning one’s adulthood and finding one’s place in this cold world. I appreciate everyone’s patience, (although I’m pretty sure my comment section won’t be exploding anytime soon, given I don’t seem to have too many fans) and I’m making sure that the content I crank out is always top notch: for the ultimate reading experience. 


Planning on doing a fandom Crossover. Anyone have opinions on a potential matchup between all established lore (*plus maybe a few updates to what is already set in stone*)from Revelation Universe vs the Halo Universe? Post your comments freely, just make sure to keep it civil... and as always, I’d like to thank all of my loyal readers and followers alike. I appreciate the support I have received thus far as a rookie/amateur author in the rough. ♥️ 
          -yours truly, Cole Pelletier 


Sorry about the delays, but The Punishment (Part 5) is going to be published within the next couple of weeks. I’ve been struggling to refine my earlier handwritten rough copy. I was going through a huge emotional rut at the time of writing the original handwritten content- about six years ago.
                So at this moment I’m trying to water down the sheer brutality and dark subject matter of the upcoming chapter before publishing it, just so I don’t offend any new readers of my writing. 


Introducing a new antagonist to the next part of The Believer’s Dogma. The decorated Alpha Draconian Field Marshal known as Za’ Anunnunah Thedamal. This character introduction is crucial to the whole upcoming book series and the remainder of those yet unreleased, so with that being said, be sure to stay tuned for the next part of The Believer’s Dogma.