
hey guys i’m here on behalf on my best friend, @Cole_Cami, she is taking a break from wattpad because she is having some issues that won’t allow her to post new chapters of her stories or reply to comments and personal messages. she's also busy with school, so she's going to delete wattpad for now and may probably be back mid june. it most likely is going to be a new account, so please give some support. i hope you guys understand <3


Hello my name is Chenoha and I have not followed you for a long time but I see your content and I love it and I have a request for you, I am Latina and here is a community that also likes Jeronica and my question is if you would like me to publish your  stories in Spanish from my account and I would give you completely ALL the credit because clato I am not the author and I would love it and you would choose what story I start with.


          I love ur book and tbh I love the book it has character and emotion than the other books I have read 
          I'm not trying to be rude to the other people who have written vughead books there really good to don't get me wrong 
          I can wait for the next chapter