
Wow there is a lot of Latin in my book. I'm no expert on this dead language, but if you are please correct me if I spelled something wrong, or if I put it in the wrong way. The help would be appreciated.


Thank you all so much. You guys are the best. I don't know how to repay y'all other than finishing the book. Please leave comments on my book... even the haters. They make it possible for me to make a great book. But do try to keep it positive and kid friendly, thanks 


I would suggest re-reading the story from the beginning. Proofread your work and change any misspellings. Make sure you are using the right point of views throughout your writing...
            After doing all of that.. Read it once again from beginning to end. This will allow you to brainstorm more ideas! 
            You are doing great! Keep it up : )