
I just added minor edits to the first chapter of TJOW! Back when writing it years ago, I hadn’t really thought to include much body language or “showing” vs “telling”, but i’m working to improve that, especially as new chapters come back in circulation. But for the time being, check out the first two chapters!


I just added minor edits to the first chapter of TJOW! Back when writing it years ago, I hadn’t really thought to include much body language or “showing” vs “telling”, but i’m working to improve that, especially as new chapters come back in circulation. But for the time being, check out the first two chapters!


so after revisiting old works like the first couple TJOW chapters and Kara's side story, I'm considering reviving them and maybe change the name of Kara's story, maybe do a comic version of it, but those are just ideas I have in the back of my mind...with the announcement of new ATLA stuff and avatar novels, why not? The same will go for my voltron oc/rewrite/au stuff too. :)


I basically decided to put the Enigma series on hold/slight cancellation due to rewrites. After thinking about it some more, it did start in a weird place and not much was revealed about Max at first so no one cares right off the bat? I mean why have it start from a point where she's been with everyone for a couple years than at the beginning of it all? That's what happens when you write from heat of an idea plus, not much of her powers nor PTSD symptoms were showcased enough to believe it, and apparently reviving is a taboo in fanfiction? Whatever, there's still going to be a consequence for her actions.  Besides focusing with school work at the moment, I think I'm just going to stick to a series of drabbles that flesh her out, mostly for entertainment purposes. xx


So I created a revamped version of the original prologue of TJOW when it was going to be a comic. It will be a few months before I can actually translate previously made ch1 pages to literature and update future chapters, but I'll do the best I can to update as frequently as possible once I get them going. Also, I've finally been able to update  the outline/script for ch. 2 but I still have ways to go. :)


@luvAdventure123 I might do a bomb week sometime too, maybe when I have the first four chapters worked written or wait until I have up to ch. 5 or 6, and the first bomb week could be chapters 2-6 just as you are doing, and that way I'd already have the first chapter already out of the way. Plus, chapter 2 picks up with some of the action whereas chapter 1 is more of a slice of life chapter setting up for the next.


I read it and it's a great start! I'm on the same page as you since I have to write, then send to you and save the final versions of the next four chapters for the chapter bomb week. But however I'm on a good start for Chapter Three. :) 


Hi Nicole thanks for following me on and her on Wattpad. I appreciate your support. Are you going to write any stories on here or on out of curiosity? 


@luvAdventure123 Sure thing! I might post a few things here and there, depending what it is. I'll be posting the TJOW week drabbles here and maybe some other stories if I get to them.