
How do I get readers?


- Hey bigimp. Thanks a lot for taking half an hour out of your day to read our opening chapter, send the read and vote counts shooting up and offer some balanced opinions and advice.
          - No problem collective misfits. I understand completelu that the world owes you...


Hey sorry man. I am new on here. 
            Thank you very much for reading our book. This is Winston the author. More than 20 people worked on this project in some way shape or form. And I do appreciate your opinion. If you would like, for sure, read more. You will be pleasantly entertained.


PS Just had a quick look at your book. You can write better than 90 per cent of the stuff I've seen on Wattpad and with 14 chapters loaded up should have a lot  more reads. Have you used all 20 of your tags? Match these to actual category groups in the browse section. In at least some of them the wattpad algorithm will place you near the top of the list and people will find you. I know my cover's a bit amateurish but at least it's eye-catching and suggests something about the story. Yours is pretty dull and uncommunicative. Why not spruce it up a bit? Not usually into these read for read things but will try to do yours today. Hope this was helpful and encouraging


Thanks man I appreciate the compliment. This book took me damn near three years to complete. I will  use all 20 tags. This cover is how the actual books looks. We were aiming for mysterious and simple. We went through several versions of the cover to just finally this. Lets do a read for read. :)


Thanks for adding me to your reading list, am all the more honoured to see so far it consists only of me. Not sure my book is 'controversial' though I hope it's unsettling in places. There are about 120 novel-sized pages already up so I hope you'll be able to find the time to go right in. I try to publish new 1000-word sections every couple of days.


I will be adding more to the list today. Controversial is the theme of the publishing house.