
   Sorry if I am bothering you with the posting but I have no good news for u guys. Yesterday I was working on the story I reached about 1500 words and today I went back to finish  the chapter when I realized Wattpad deleted every single word I wrote and the bad thing about that is that when I write or draw(Yepp I'm a good artiste) my imagination I don't do it over unless I will just get fed up with it and  trash it so expect the first chapter by next weekend. 


   Sorry if I am bothering you with the posting but I have no good news for u guys. Yesterday I was working on the story I reached about 1500 words and today I went back to finish  the chapter when I realized Wattpad deleted every single word I wrote and the bad thing about that is that when I write or draw(Yepp I'm a good artiste) my imagination I don't do it over unless I will just get fed up with it and  trash it so expect the first chapter by next weekend. 


     I have good news and bad news guys.
          The bad news is that I deleted Shadamy Another chance at love.  Now look I know you might be angry with me but the problem was that I just didn't have interest in writing it at all, since there was not a lot of action in it. 
              And the Good news is that I am rewriting it. I changed everything about the story every last thing about it. New plot, New everything but it's not out as yet. So by tomorrow it will be out it's the same name so enjoy.