
Kingdom Dance from tangeled has been on a loop for a while. It's great. 


I technically just came out to my parents. I put up a large Genderfluid flag and showed them all the ones I'd hidden around my room and I told them what flags they were and they just went 'oh' and I'm not sure if they understand.So apparently mum DIDNT because i just said 'did you know I'm genderfluid' and then I had to explain it to her and now I'm a bit panicky because I know we're going to have a conversation about it tomorrow. And i brought up name changes and she's like 'your name is genderneutal' and I just panic because I know how she feels about my birth name. (someone please help. I'm just trying to calm myself with Ranboo. Its not helping much)And she sounded really disappointed when I told her