Hi there your stories look real good! I share wattpad books and I do book reviews on my site! Let me know if you'd like me to do yours! hi what do u think of my new site? http://colettesbooksandbits.weebly.com/
Reading Lists
-Spell your username in a way that every letter us used as the first letter of a song title I demand to use Disney songs, because come on! I was practically born for Disney purposes! It's legit, I swear! *cough* obsession *cough* Sooooooo I was tagged by my favorite kiwi in the whole weird orange planet we live in, @KiwiIsReading ! Ehem! Here I go C olors of the wind O ur town L et it go O ne jump ahead R eflection F riend like me U nder the sea L ife is a highway M haighdean bhan uasal A whole new world D o you want to build a snowman? K iss the girl I 'll make a man out of you D own to earth I'm currently listening to Mhaighdean bhan uasal/Noble maiden fair, from Brave and I sware it is the most beautiful melody ever. Seriously. I tag: @HappyYouHappyMe (Hello جميلة! [Did it without looking, I sware!) @HelloCanYouHearMee (Long time no talk, my wonderful lady! We gotta catch up about non-exsisting social lives, and about the far-more-interesting lives of fictional characters!) @ThaNks_For_Broke_Me (Hola Thais! Tenes que hacer esto, porque te estoy obligando así que sí [no importa si tendríamos que estar estudiando para las olimpiadas] ah y por cierto! Hoy comí comida china! [Bueno, practicamente fué ayer] Con palillos! En tu cara! [Hay que ir a comer comida china alguna vez]) @icecreamsundaequeen (that should be fun XD) @bookgirlsmiles (hello again! I still love your leaves!) Good luck beauties!
@ColorfulMadKid <3 for this. My school is having a Disney concert and a Disney Talent show so I am super happy XD
Hi there your stories look real good! I share wattpad books and I do book reviews on my site! Let me know if you'd like me to do yours! hi what do u think of my new site? http://colettesbooksandbits.weebly.com/
I've noticed XD It's kinda like a methaphor for me. You know, like 'be brave enough to change your own big ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff' if you get what I mean
@_Serena_rose_ yup, why?
@silver-sea Well, thank you for writing! It's honestly a very beautiful and original story. You're very talented :)
-Spell your username in a way that every letter us used as the first letter of a song title I demand to use Disney songs, because come on! I was practically born for Disney purposes! It's legit, I swear! *cough* obsession *cough* Sooooooo I was tagged by my favorite kiwi in the whole weird orange planet we live in, @KiwiIsReading ! Ehem! Here I go C olors of the wind O ur town L et it go O ne jump ahead R eflection F riend like me U nder the sea L ife is a highway M haighdean bhan uasal A whole new world D o you want to build a snowman? K iss the girl I 'll make a man out of you D own to earth I'm currently listening to Mhaighdean bhan uasal/Noble maiden fair, from Brave and I sware it is the most beautiful melody ever. Seriously. I tag: @HappyYouHappyMe (Hello جميلة! [Did it without looking, I sware!) @HelloCanYouHearMee (Long time no talk, my wonderful lady! We gotta catch up about non-exsisting social lives, and about the far-more-interesting lives of fictional characters!) @ThaNks_For_Broke_Me (Hola Thais! Tenes que hacer esto, porque te estoy obligando así que sí [no importa si tendríamos que estar estudiando para las olimpiadas] ah y por cierto! Hoy comí comida china! [Bueno, practicamente fué ayer] Con palillos! En tu cara! [Hay que ir a comer comida china alguna vez]) @icecreamsundaequeen (that should be fun XD) @bookgirlsmiles (hello again! I still love your leaves!) Good luck beauties!
@ColorfulMadKid <3 for this. My school is having a Disney concert and a Disney Talent show so I am super happy XD
You took colourful, madness and kid and made it something important.
@ILiterallyCantDecide and Mad Kid actually stands for something. Cool right? XD (don't tell anyone though! It's a secret! Shhhh)
Te ganaste mi seguimiento por la euforia al leer Un fantasma en un tarro (': Y me fascina ver a otra persona que lea tanto el inglés como el español, ser bilingüe es hermoso, amo el inglés jeje ♥
@CarliGGSheeran Awwwwww, gracias! Y yo también amo el inglés, y a mi Teddy Sheeran. LO AMO. Y al inglés claro... pero a ti y a tu historia más que todo! (Aunque creo que es más como un empate en donde cada elemento es hermoso y especial a su modo)(*cough* *cough* indirecta *cough*) :)
Nothing to thank for, I'm just reading a very wonderful story, written by a very wonderful person! Ps: I so love your profile picture too! Mulan should be named queen of the word already.
Gracias por seguirme — — 3
I just read your book even thought you told everyone to not read it :) I answered all the question and I am probably spamming you S O R R Y !
My wifi hates me right now too It glitched and lagged up and I accidentally unfollowed you I FEEL SO BADDDDD
Not at all, I love your answers! I tried answering but my wifi sucks and doesn't really like me very much so I guess I'll just try again later! You're really lovely and wonderful and awesome, you know that? Yeah, that just came to my mind! And I love your book so much! And I love your writing in general! And your characters! And you're so TALENTED! I don't even know how this got here but it's true! Hehe... Okay, sorry, it's just that every time I see your username my mind just automaticly has these thoughts because you're so amazing and stuff... So yeah, love you! :D
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