I'm a LONELY boss ! :3

Facts about ME :

1. SpongeBoB + Patrick Star equals the best team ever .

2 . Finnchel from Glee is so awesome . [R.I.P Finn] Justin B'unicorn is the unicorn with black wings in our land .

3. The unicorn from background is me .
I've got : - big wings , pink skin , short legs and huge eyes .
4 . My God is Saint Unicorn .

5 .When I'm praying I'm ending the pray with " UMIN " ( Unicorn + Amin = Umin )

6. My best'b'unicorn friend is : @Florii . #WannaBeUAlso ?

8 . There's no 7

1 . 001'st fact ( quote ) : " My mirror is my bestfriend . Never when I cried she didn't laugh at me "

The mirrors are so cool . Everytime when I look at them I like what I see ! :)

don't u like unicorns or things with supernaturals powers ? well , u should . LOL
  • nowhere i can be found
  • Se ha unidoAugust 8, 2012

Último mensaje
ColorfullUnicorn ColorfullUnicorn Apr 23, 2013 12:04PM
@AvalonMillard as fi pus mai devreme doar ca am ramas in pana de idei si plus ca nu mai aveam timp din cauza scolii mai ales temele cu tona :( ouf si mai urmeaza si perioada tezelor in mai  :-[ . Luc...
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