
Well. Uh. Guys. I'm not dead! Surprise surprise! -jazz hands-
          	Yeah. I've just been awfully tired and writers/art blocking so much. ; v ; I haven't been getting enough sleep.
          	Hopefully, chapter 20 of Alice Academy should be up soon..


when i read the first chapter of the edited version i thought i got the wrong story cause nanami right is now changed to aiko haha! i saw great changes in the first chapter and it was like reading a novel...well thats all!


@haruhihotori *nanami right? .....i forgot to add question mark haha


Vivi-san!! I really like your story about gakuen alice and umm you said in the last part of your story that you changed your account...when i first saw it, i thought it was an author note telling that they cant update for a month or something but then....yeah, you just changed your a lazy reader haha and well thats all Vivi-san! im really supporting you with your stories!


Hello~! I thought your gone... *just because of that...blocking.But---hihihi...anyway! i miss you story... the "Alice Academy" ... ^_^ it's been so nice... and wonderful story you had written... ^_^ ^^ continue what you doing~! ^_^ :)