
Oh my gosh guys I wanna keep updating my old stories but now that I reread them they're so cringey and I wanna start all over but I can't do that to y'all what the flip am I gonna do :(((


So um I broke up with my girlfriend because I'm still not ready for a relationship after me and my boyfriend broke up. We both still have feelings for each other, I'm just waiting for him to be ready to get back into a relationship. I feel really bad for the girl I broke up with because she didn't really take it that well and I ended up hurting her a lot even though I didn't mean to. I just hope I can still be friends with her :(


I feel like I'm ready to start writing again. I know I took FOREVER, but I'm thinking about getting back into the swing of things by starting a new story, and then also going back to work on my other stories as well.
          I'm thinking of starting either a Lockwood and Co. fanfic or oneshot book, since I watched the whole show in one day and absolutely loved it (but hated the fact that it got canceled). 


Someone tell me why dating a women is so much better than dating a man what the freak I wish I woulda known this sooner 


@babyba-na-na the only thing that's not my favorite about dating girls is that they're a lot more emotional and I'm not good with that but I'll figure out a way 


@Com_Rat IT IS THOUGH (coming from somebody who usually dates men, and is talking to a gir) THEY'RE SO MUCH BETTER TO DATE


A while ago me and my bf broke up because he said being in a relationship stressed him out so we're just friends now BUT I finally got over him and I might start dating a girl soon ... all my friends don't really like her but she's really sweet to me and I'm like 99% sure she likes me back soooo 

