About Me!

Name: Coin

Pronouns: All

Sexuality: Omniromantic, Demiromantic, Demisexual

Open To talk: Always!

Reader or writer: Reader mainly but I also write sometimes!

Other (Things That don't fit in the "Bio" Area:
I do Gacha, Take it or leave it, I don't give a fuck.
I'm a heavy Daydreamer
I enjoy drawing, writing (sometimes) and creating characters.
I'm also Non-Binary!

Bio: Heyo, I'm coin, Unless you know me personally I'd suggest just calling me coin (ie. My online Name) I hope you all have a good day! Also, I'm mainly a reader but I might end up writing at some point :D

Feel free to chat with me whenever! I will most likely reply unless I'm busy or sleeping.

I am also on Reddit, where I am way more active then I am on here. u/Adprofessional9448 Wich is also where you will be able to find my Pronouns page Wich I would suggest checking out.

Current Main Oc: Indy
Thank you for reading!

Bestie: @madi_m78 (She/Her)


This shouldn't have to be said, however, Any form of Sexism, Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, or any form of hate speech either within my stories or withing the 'Conversations' tab will not be tolerated and will be swiftly (or as swiftly as I can get to it) removed and blocked.
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  • JoinedNovember 27, 2020