Hai!!! I'm Evonne's friend! Well I kinda just wanted to say hi cause I'm a creep. No denying it, I also have too much free time. You know you should revise your favorite villains list cause Dc villain all the way is Zoom. And PJackson villain is Gaia but Luke is passable. Otherwise same, on like everything. Ok, I think I have reached my creep quota for today! Bye. I hope I wasn't too much of a creep. * mutters to self* * walks backwards awkwardly* * bumps into something or someone * * notices you are still reading this* if you are reading this still I question your sanity. Most people would have walked away at the first two sentences. But I guess since I'm not actually talking to you my awkward faces have not scared you away. Anyways " Reality is an illusion, the Universe is a hologram, buy gold byeeeeeee....." - Bill Cypher

Shut up, you shouldn't have told me cause you know being a creep is what I do!