The wind was cold and the city was too loud. Something was always happening in this stupid place. Either gang violence or constant loud traffic. In fact, the stupid traffic in this stupid place is WHY he purposely failed his driving test. He wasn’t about to get stuck in stupid traffic in this stupid city in a stupid car! Wow, he was thinking about the word stupid a lot, maybe he could switch it up some.
This idiotic city meant nothing to him. He actually wanted to move! Move to a much more secluded area. Get a new job…but then again, beta testing and electronics seemed to be the only thing he was good at. He couldn’t draw or write very good stories. He couldn’t cook very well and somehow ALWAYS managed to find long hair in his food despite never marrying once or having a girlfriend. If it wasn’t cereal or a simple thing that took no effort, he would either burn it or get hair in it SOMEHOW-!