
Happy Valentines day everyone!


Been getting motivation back to write again, I am surprised about that, but I have also been getting into GATE as well again and been thinking of possibly writing a book on it though am unsure. So I am asking for yalls opinion on the idea of a GATE story. If you don't know what GATE is then I wouldn't mind explaining it since it is a good anime and I do recommend it for anyone looking to watch anime.


@ConnorShover That honestly sounds good. I can't really say what I have in mind since that'd spoil things if I do make the story but what I can say is that the Japs will be meeting with some dragon type Nexians, also referred to as Dragon-kin by those who know of the species. 


@Commandercommando I always had an idea on a GATE CIS from starwars story, where a CIS malevolence class ship crashes on the fantasy world GATE takes place on after a Hyperspace mishap. A jedi and her clone battalion dead on the Super Tactical Droids ship he uses the dead clones armor and keeps the lightsaber for itself. Then, on an alien world, the CIS comes into contact with the indigenous organics, and the JSDF. 


I saw your reply but there was one who truly escaped north korea now on south


Hey everyone, I'm sorta back since I am looking at updating a book but motivation is mixed between two stories currently. And due to the private message feature being gone I'm sharing a link to a discord server I made some odd time after I joined Wattpad. It's kinda dead but hopefully that'll change in the future. We'll welcome whoever joins with open arms amd a warm smile.


Also, if anyone wants to contact me but not join the discord than this is my username: